Best Ways to Sell Event Tickets

Best Ways to Sell Event Tickets

If an event has to be a roaring success, it must include increasing the ticket sales of the event.

Finding new prospects in the business is the toughest part of the job. And many agree that making a sale is even tougher. There are many strategies to increase the sales of tickets.

Selling tickets on mobile

An estimated 1.8 billion people use the online portal to make purchases. Taking the sales online would boost the sales. It is better to ensure that the ticket sales portal has to be an app or mobile-friendly. It makes it easy for the attendees to make the booking.

Creating scarcity

Creating scarcity

Creating scarcity is one of the important tactics when selling tickets online as it can boost ticket sales by over 200%. There are two categories when it comes to online ticket sales. There are quantity and time. If there are a limited number of seats in the name of VIP packages and other add-on experiences, it would force the user to avail of these at discount prices. If there is a time factor involved, it would help better the conversion factor.

Referral program

It is the best way to make leads. When there are referral programs in play, there is a high chance that the word of mouth about the event gets spread organically, while availing the discounts too.

Email drop campaigns

Sending out a series of times and automated messages would help develop a long-term strategy and increase the business prospects. It is a great way to sell out all the campaigns easily. All these contacts can be used by the attendees and they would also get an idea of the pattern of the events.

Create a membership-based system

A membership system like those used by a Gentleman’s Club automatically means your future selling and banking profits before the bottles are even used.  And what’s best is that you will build in repeat business and a better chance of members recommending the venue to other friends and associates.

Share on social media

Sharing on social media is a great way to spread information about the event happening and various calls to action can be added. Social media may be leveraged to take the event to the next level. There are various social media tactics and professionals to specialize in it. Taking the support of the influencers is also a great way to spread the word.

Using a hashtag

Applying a hashtag is a great way of spreading the buzz about the event. It makes it seem like all the cool people are there and helps improve ticket sales.

In conclusion

These methods are the best ways to drive up ticket sales. The internet should be used to the maximum extent. Most of the sales happen online.